Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nail Polish Painted Key Tutorial

Yesterday morning I forgot my laptop for work at home, so I drove back and went to unlock my apartment door and I realized all of my apartment keys were missing. Yeah, Monday! Thankfully, I was able to call someone to let me in but that still didn't solve my key problem. Somehow all 3 of my apartment keys and the keyring they were on, fell off without my knowledge. Thankfully key copies are cheap ($2 each) and within minutes I had a new set. But, they all looked identical. I have 1 key to the outside door, 1 key for the apartment door, and 1 key to my bedroom door. So, to make things easier I decided to make each one unique.

Step 1: Tape off your keys with regular clear tape to make a nice clean line. 
Step 2: Pick your polish! I rummaged through my collection and thought these two were beauties. I purchased both of these polishes a couple of years ago, so who knows if they're still available. They are both "OPI." The purple is "Show it and Glow it!"  & the blue one is "Absolutely Alice."
Step 3: Paint it on, let it dry, & repeat until your desired look is achieved.  
Repeat on the other side of the key.  
Step 4: After both sides are thoroughly dry, make it chip-proof with one 
of my favorite things, spray acrylic. 

That's it! Aren't they cute? :)

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