Thursday, December 13, 2012

Embarrassing Moments

You know those moments when you just want to curl up in a ball and be invisible to everyone around you? 

Yeah, that happened to me today. I decided to buy my lunch at work instead of bringing it today, which was the first mistake. I go to pay for my lunch in the company diner we have and the lady at the register said my card was declining. I said, "what?!" There's no way my card could have declined. I have money in my account that I have been saving up to pay for my school next semester.

So I am really frazzled and embarrassed (because there are people I know around me in line) and I look at the card to see if there's a number on the back I can call. Then, I see it. My boyfriend's name. Last night he pumped my gas for me, and when I asked for my card back he accidentally gave me his. He keeps his money in his savings, and for some reason they didn't transfer over when I tried to use the card. Sigh of relief. I then explain to the woman the mishap (she probably still thought I was broke). Thankfully, she let me right my name and department down and I told her I will come by tomorrow with the correct card and pay for my meal.

Have you ever had anything like this happen to you? I have had my fair share of embarrassing moments, but for some reason a declined card when trying to pay for something is the worst. I think it's because you can't really laugh it off!

I love the movie, "Bridesmaids." There is usually a relatable quote that I can use in my everyday life. "Help me I'm poor," was definitely something I could relate to today.

Happy Thursday! xoxoxo

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